Friday, January 6, 2012

Buy Zojirushi EC-BD15BA

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Category: Kitchen
Brand: Zojirushi
Model: EC-BD15BA
Availability: FREE SHIPPING (USA)
List Price : N/A
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Zojirushi EC-BD15BA Review by Bert Smith

The coffee maker arrived early! I immediately made a pot of coffee. The maker made the coffee FAST. The coffee was perfect!! It was HOT and smooth--hotter and much smoother than coffee made by our older pot. The older pot was a different make--the coffee was the same brand I have been using. Operating the coffee maker and carafe (opening the top) was easy.

Zojirushi EC-BD15BA Review by The Schmambells (United States)

After doing research on the differing models of thermal carafe coffee makers, we decided to take a gamble on the Zoji in spite of the plethora of bad reviews. We really should've trusted our instincts and stayed away.

We've had the machine since the middle of October 2011. At first, every thing was grand -- like a new relationship -- all was sparkly and wonderful. Hot and plentiful. Those fools with the negative reviews -- they clearly didn't know how to use this very simple machine! In the glorious beginning, there was never an issue like all of those mentioned in negative reviews. I'd spoken too quickly. The lustre and infatuation wore off quickly enough; after the initial couple of weeks, we had our first leak. That's when I came back to read through all of the reviews to see what we could have possible done wrong. It was all downhill from there...

We have religiously washed the bits and pieces every morning by hand -- no dishwashers. Followed the advice found here in the reviews to fold over the bottoms of the paper filters (which I had always done with our previous coffee makers) and to make sure the top is perfectly aligned. When it started leaking on every other brewing despite our diligent efforts, we then found ourselves altering our normal, everyday coffee rituals just to make sure this blasted coffee maker wouldn't make a mess all over the counter-top. The very bizarre thing being, it leaks from the spout of the carafe itself which then gets coffee all down the front of the carafe and under the lip of handle rim. This adds the extra joy of having coffee drip out from under the handle rim when you're finally pouring yourself a cup of A.M. java frustration. Always fun to clean up extra messes after you've just finished cleaning up your counter-top. To add to the issues with this maker, the lid has been retaining water (or perhaps old coffee) and there's no way to get into the lid as it's factory sealed.

I notice a handful of people have no problems with this maker and I have to wonder about the quality control of the units. Some are fine whilst others are clearly shoddy?

To recap, here are all of the flaming hoops and changes to our normal coffee-preparing-and-drinking ceremony on top of the recommended babying this machine needs -- to then still leak and malfunction:

What we've done:
- Hand-washed the carafe, the lid and filter basket every day. (The lid retains water/old coffee, which I'd imagine, isn't very sanitary as it's a factory sealed lid.)
- Folded the seams of the paper filters out of the way of the hole in the filter basket and ensured the filter wasn't sticking out above the edge of the basket.
- Used lukewarm water, not cold and not hot.
- Using astrological charts of the planets and stars and scientific measurements, made sure the carafe was perfectly aligned under the drip mechanism.

Things we've changed in our daily coffee customs in an attempt to baby this temperamental, ramshackle device:
- Ground the beans for such a short amount of time the brewed coffee now resembles orange-tinted water when poured.
- Ground the beans for such a short amount of time the brewed coffee now tastes like orange-coloured, faintly coffee-flavoured water. We like strong coffee. We can't have strong coffee anymore with the Zoji.
- Put far less grounds in than we would normally do with a non-temperamental, easy-going coffee maker.
- No longer brew our usual 10 cups and have resorted to 8 cups; less water doesn't mean less spillage though.
- Spin around in a circle 5 times whilst chanting "Be Kind This Morning" before praying to the Zoji Coffee Gods to not let it leak before hitting the "On" button. The Zoji Coffee Gods don't take requests apparently.

I would recommend this coffee maker only to the following people:
- Those who enjoy very weak, coffee-flavoured water.
- Those with a strong desire to wipe up coffee spills every morning
- Those with an inside track or a direct line to the Zoji Coffee Gods.

To all others interested in a thermal carafe coffee maker, do yourself a favour and save yourself a major headache -- go with another option.

Zojirushi EC-BD15BA Review by BecomingMumma

I searched high and low for a reasonably priced coffee maker WITHOUT a glass carafe. I also wanted to make sure it had a high customer satisfaction rating. All in all, this was the coffee maker for us! The coffee always tastes fresh, nothing like a glass carafe that gives the coffee a burnt taste when it has been sitting too long. Our household drinks a lot of coffee and we all agree that the coffee tastes fresher, stays hot longer and is super easy to make and clean. It also looks great on our counter. Very easy to program and so simple to use. The only con is it is quite loud while brewing. Otherwise excellent product!

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Zojirushi EC-BD15BA::Description

Zojirushi's EC-BD15BA 1.5 Liter Fresh Brew Coffee Maker with Vacuum Stainless Steel Carafe is gorgeous and functional and will look spectacular on your countertop. It has many wonderful features.

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